What is 60% icariin? & Why is it the best Horny Goat Weed?
Upon discovering 60% icariin and hearing it referred to as the best Horny Goat Weed extract to buy, naturally you wish to understand exactly what it is and why it's considered the most effective strength of Horny Goat Weed to take — well stay tuned to gain a thorough insight into this unique extract.
What Is Icariin?
When it comes to buying the very best Horny Goat Weed extract available, you must first understand exactly what 'icariin' is because it is this particular ingredient that has given Horny Goat Weed its reputation as one of the most powerful and highly sought-after natural supplements for restoring male sexual health and boosting athletic performance.
Derived from the Epimedium plant genus, Horny Goat Weed extract is a traditional remedy that has been used with huge success for centuries throughout parts of Asia and the Mediterranean - best known for its uses as a natural aphrodisiac by both men and women. Since then Horny Goat Weed has gained recognition on a global scale, becoming the top-selling natural sex enhancement supplement. This increase in global popularity led to the extensive research and development of this extract, which in turn has resulted in the vastly improved qualities and strengths of Horny Goat Weed extract that we see today.
Contained within the Horny Goat Weed plant are various flavonoids (water-soluble plant pigments). When assessing the quality and especially the purity of Horny Goat Weed extracts there is one particular active flavonoid by which the level of beneficial effectiveness can be measured, this active flavonoid is known as icariin.
Researchers at the University of Milan in Italy found that the main compound in Horny Goat Weed called 'icariin', was (in terms of health benefits) the most potent of the compounds found within this plant species. *extracted from WebMD.com*
The proportion of icariin contained within a Horny Goat Weed supplement (i.e. after the extraction process has taken place), directly determines how actively beneficial the extract will be for improving sexual health and athletic performance. Icariin content/purity is measured as a percentage figure and can be found in 'standardised' Horny Goat Weed extracts from 10% right up to 60% icariin strength. The higher the 'standardised' percentage of icariin contained within an extract, the more advantageous and effective the extract will be at producing the desired results.
Understanding icariin strength is of key importance when sourcing the best Horny Goat Weed extract available, because many brands/retailers out there rely on the fact that most people are unaware of what icariin actually is, therefore also unaware of the varying strengths of Horny Goat Weed extract available. It is abundantly common to find extracts on today's market which conveniently fail to display the icariin strength anywhere on the product packaging, this tends to be the initial giveaway characteristic of a cheap low strength Horny Goat Weed product. Alternatively, some brands/retailers will stipulate a unit of strength however they will often use a non-relative unit of icariin measurement e.g. 20:1 or 30x — neither of which specifies a clear percentage of icariin purity.
Icariin Health™ is the premier global retailer of World A.B.S icariin 60™ — maximum strength 60% icariin Horny Goat Weed capsules; the strongest and most effective Horny Goat Weed supplement available. We are very proud of the extracts in which we select to retail, and this pride stems from our comprehensive efforts to source and supply the very best Horny Goat Weed available on today's market.
How 60% Icariin Horny Goat Weed Works
PLEASE NOTE: At Icariin Health™ we always seek to provide you with trusted links to external sources of information, including official news agency publications, science research publications, and credible fitness/health related articles. These external sources of information are 100% independent from ourselves at Icariin Health™, therefore strictly providing impartial genuine facts from which you can gain valuable knowledge.
Male Sexual Health
For decades, men of all ages have been using Horny Goat Weed to naturally improve their sex lives. In recent times, numerous trials and research studies have been carried out by various medical institutions worldwide; each of which demonstrating the unmatched ability of icariin to remedy the symptoms related to deficiencies in male sexual health. In particular showing how icariin tackles the symptoms associated with erectile dysfunction (male impotence), and how it restores inadequate levels of sex drive in men (low libido).
'Icariin potency' has played a crucial role in these findings; showing that good quality Horny Goat Weed extracts (i.e. those extracted to a high 'standardised' icariin percentage) are very successful in the stimulation and restoration of the male reproductive system.
Erectile Function
When a sexually healthy man becomes stimulated, his brain triggers the release of nitric oxide to the corpus cavernosum (the erectile tissues of the penis). This nitric oxide then signals the activation of the various enzymes necessary for smooth muscle relaxation within the blood vessels supplying the corpus cavernosum, generating increased blood-flow and in turn resulting in an erection. When a man is lacking in healthy sexual function, this process of triggering nitric oxide and blood delivery to the penis can become impaired; making an erection both very difficult to achieve and maintain.
Prescription impotence medications (commonly referred to as "the blue pill") are essentially what's known as 'man-made PDE5 inhibitors', with the sole purpose of blocking the degenerative action of sexual response in the male human body, allowing the trigger of nitric oxide and in turn, increasing the levels of blood-flow to the penis during sexual stimulation. These prescription erectile dysfunction medications are publicly renowned for being a harsh short-term fix, yielding an unnatural feeling erection, followed by a 'back to square one' position a few hours later.
One of the most distinguished studies carried out with Horny Goat Weed extract was by a group of scientists at the 'University of Milan & Bologna Medical Research Department' in Italy. Through various lab trials, this team of scientists revealed with conclusive proof that icariin from Horny Goat Weed is a formidable PDE5 inhibitor and nitric oxide stimulator; making it the only actual lab-proven '100% natural PDE5 inhibitor' in existence today. Being a 'natural' PDE5 inhibitor; Horny Goat Weed doesn't carry with it the adverse side effects profile of prescription impotence treatments, therefore this plant extract is extensively recognised as a sustainable long-term solution, as opposed to being merely a short-term fix.
In 2008, Reuters (a highly trusted international news agency headquartered in London, UK) published the following article regarding the aforementioned scientific study, which expresses quite critically — the effectiveness and safety of Horny Goat Weed/Icariin when compared to prescription erectile dysfunction medications: Reuters - London, UK
Sex Drive
Boosting nitric oxide levels and being the best natural PDE5 inhibitor is only half of the reason why icariin from Horny Goat Weed has such an excellent reputation regarding male sexual health. The other half of icariin's ability lays within the psychological process of an erection, specifically referring to the amount of sex drive a man has. Pure high-strength icariin extracts have been scientifically proven to increase the level of free circulating testosterone; that is the increase in overall levels of bioavailable testosterone carried naturally throughout the body within the bloodstream. *Please see this PubMed - Research Summary Sheet for further affirmation*
Sturdy levels of free circulating and bioavailable testosterone are crucial within the male reproductive system, being largely responsible for stimulating sexual activity and maintaining a stable degree of sexual desire. Prescription (man-made) impotence medications fail to harness the action of restoring the psychological element (i.e. the sex drive aspect) of an erection through replenishing levels of bioavailable testosterone, which is unfortunately why prescription PDE5 inhibitors are completely ineffective at correcting erectile dysfunction in men who do not possess adequate levels of sex drive — a fact which is very well-publicised throughout the world of medicine.
Icariin extracts of a high 'standardised' percentage have for a long time been recognised as being excellent at restoring and increasing levels of sex drive. With the World A.B.S brand icariin 60™ supplement being of such high purity, it has an unmatched reputation for not only improving erectile function but equally so for abundantly restoring the psychological functions of the male reproductive system; through the revival of male sexual desire.
Nature Always Wins
Due to the coupled functionality of icariin addressing both the physical and psychological aspects of male sexual health simultaneously; high strength 60% icariin Horny Goat Weed extract from World A.B.S has gained huge popularity among 'Medical Practitioners' and 'Male Dietitian Specialists', both throughout Europe and North America.
We are frequently informed by said practitioners and dietitians as to the success of their patients and clients who have tried icariin 60™ and found it to be a phenomenal alternative to prescription erectile dysfunction medications, stating that they are very pleased as they can now present their patients/clients with a sturdy, natural and long-term remedy for issues relating to men's sexual health.
For more details and facts on how 60% icariin Horny Goat Weed works to help men suffering from erectile dysfunction and low sex drive, please see the following Frequently Asked Question
Bodybuilding & Athletic Performance
Any experienced bodybuilder/athlete who has either used or researched high-end performance boosting supplements over the years, will certainly have knowledge of 'Epimedium extract/Horny Goat Weed extract' and especially the flavonoid called 'icariin' — which has long been the preferred ingredient within the majority of top brand nitric oxide and testosterone booster supplements.
Nitric Oxide Booster
Nitric oxide is an important signalling intermediate within the human body and is well known for the key role it plays in providing healthy blood-flow to muscle tissue around the body, greatly improving overall muscle strength. After any form of intense physical activity, it is very common to feel what is usually referred to as being pumped or having muscle swell, which is gained from the burning up and repair of the body's muscle tissue. This feeling of 'muscle pump' is the result of nitric oxide surging throughout the flow of blood within the muscle tissue. Icariin extract (especially at high purity icariin strengths) is one of the most well respected natural nitric oxide boosters on the athletic/bodybuilding supplement market, for which at the stage of 'pre-workout' ensures the efficient delivery of blood, oxygen, and nutrients throughout the skeletal muscle; in turn, massively improving sports performance, heightening resistance to fatigue and subsequently aiding fast muscle recovery at 'post-workout' stage. *Please see this PubMed - Research Summary Sheet which illustrates (on a scientific basis) icariin's impressive nitric oxide (NO) boosting abilities*
Testosterone Booster
The additional key benefit which sets icariin apart from other performance booster supplements on the market is that alongside its formidable nitric oxide abilities, icariin also has the proven power to increase the levels and the utilisation of 'free circulating' testosterone around the body. *Please see this PubMed - Research Summary Sheet providing evidence of the relationship between icariin and elevated levels of circulating testosterone*
This increase in 'free circulating' (unbound) testosterone levels obtained from taking icariin results in impressive strength gains from improvements in both; lean body mass and overall muscle mass. Adequate testosterone levels are not just crucial for building muscle, however, as they are also vital for reducing the conversion of cells into fat, lowering cholesterol, maintaining healthy blood pressure, and enhancing both mental and physical energy.
This superb boost in performance gained from maintaining healthy levels of 'unbound' testosterone hormones is hugely necessary when undergoing activities of intense physical endurance. Enabling not only bodybuilders but athletes of all disciplines to go that extra mile and surpass their former plateaus in performance.
Performance With Power
Due to this unique combination of benefits, icariin 60™ Horny Goat Weed has taken the sports supplement market by storm, gaining recognition as being one of the best and healthiest ways to naturally increase both nitric oxide and testosterone levels simultaneously.
Most performance booster supplement brands tend to use the more commonly available icariin extract purity percentages i.e. those ranging from 20% to 50% icariin strength. Notoriously they then mix the icariin extract with a bundle of other substandard extracts/ingredients in order to bloat the total milligrams weight per capsule, consequently diluting the actual icariin content of the capsule and ultimately rendering the supplement less effective at producing the desired results.
icariin 60™ by the World A.B.S brand is a formidable strength of icariin extract, weighing in at a staggering 60% purity with zero dilution from other combined ingredients, making it a huge favourite among high-endurance athletes of all types; from football players through to competition level bodybuilders. Serious athletes can now finally add an extremely powerful performance booster supplement to their stack, a supplement that has the focused mission of quite simply bringing you superior results.
Athletes and bodybuilders choose IcariinHealth.co.uk due to our dedication to supplying only the purest and best high-strength 60% icariin Horny Goat Weed capsules. icariin 60™ Horny Goat Weed extract has set a standard within its class, being referred to as the ultimate 'all-in-one' natural performance booster supplement.
For more details and facts on how 60% icariin Horny Goat Weed works to improve bodybuilding/athletic performance, please see the following Frequently Asked Question
Can Women Also Benefit From Taking 60% Icariin Horny Goat Weed?
From the information provided above it is abundantly evident that 60% icariin Horny Goat Weed is an amazing extract for men. As a dietary supplement, World A.B.S icariin 60™ is now recognised globally as the best natural product on the market for men’s health, however, this top-grade extract does also provide a wide range of health benefits for women too. To discover exactly how women can benefit from taking icariin 60™ Horny Goat Weed capsules, please click here.
What Other Health Benefits Does 60% Icariin Horny Goat Weed Offer?

In addition to the key benefits detailed above, taking 60% icariin Horny Goat Weed extract also offers many more remarkable health benefits. To view the full list of ways in which 60% icariin Horny Goat Weed works best to help people, please click here.
IMPORTANT: Guidelines To Buying Horny Goat Weed & Icariin
- First of all, check that you are buying solely Horny Goat Weed i.e. capsules that contain only Horny Goat Weed (Epimedium) extract and no other inferior extracts/substances that will be of little benefit to the actual task at hand. It's exceptionally common to find products for which on the front of the packaging are labelled as 'Horny Goat Weed Extract' or 'Icariin Extract', however when you check the list of ingredients, the actual contents of the product start to become clear — with it hosting a whole mixture of other less effective extracts/substances (the most common choices; Maca, L-Arginine & Catuaba). The underlying flaw is that the most expensive and most effective ingredient 'icariin' will only be existent in small amounts.
- On a similar footing; you will notice that many retailers out there (to make a sale) will include free bottles/packs of other unrelated products to be used in conjunction with the actual Horny Goat Weed product that they are selling. This is a routine strategy used by retailers selling a substandard Horny Goat Weed supplement i.e. attempting to compensate for a poor quality product with free bundles/add-ons.
- 'Icariin percentage' is a pivotal factor to take into consideration when purchasing Horny Goat Weed capsules, therefore make sure that you carefully check the icariin extract strength of any given product. The most readily available Horny Goat Weed supplements tend to be of the lower standardised percentages (i.e. 10% & 20% icariin strengths), which as expected are severely less effective than the higher standardised percentages of extract (i.e. 50% & 60% icariin strengths). Currently, the optimal icariin percentage figure in terms of obtaining maximum efficacy is the standardised 60% icariin purity. There are percentages available that go above the 60% figure (reaching right up to the 98% icariin level in fact), however, the excessive amount of processing required to extract at such high percentages has shown to result in extract-powders that suffer from a significant loss in efficacy, brought on by damaged icariin flavonoids that have essentially been rendered inert from over-extraction. Due to this loss of efficacy in Horny Goat Weed extracts containing more than 60% icariin; such extracts cannot officially be 'standardised' nor can they be 'guaranteed' as to their quality in terms of potency. Further detail regarding the optimal icariin percentage can be obtained by clicking here.
- Going beyond solely the 'icariin percentage' figure; when buying a Horny Goat Weed dietary supplement, one of the most overlooked details (caused by a genuine lack of awareness) is whether or not the extract contains 'icariin' or 'icariins' — notice the letter 's' on the end of the latter? This little 's' has a very big significance concerning the quality and efficacy of any given Horny Goat Weed supplement because icariins is essentially a cheap low-grade mix of Epimedium plant compounds, for which only contain very limited traces of actual icariin flavonoids. The process of manufacturing pure icariin (notice no 's' this time) is markedly more intensive in terms of machinery/labour and vastly more time-consuming when compared to the processes involved in manufacturing the cheap compound icariins. Hence both the 'raw material cost' and the 'finished extract cost' of pure icariin are naturally far greater than that of icariins. To conclude this point; be aware that though a retailer might be selling a Horny Goat Weed extract of 50% icariins strength at a low price point, that 50% icariins product will be a fraction of the potency of even a 20% icariin strength (notice no 's') Horny Goat Weed product.
- Always take note of the actual post-extraction content weight of each capsule. This is the milligrams-per-capsule figure after the original 'whole plant parts' have been fully refined down into an extract-powder and encapsulated. We see many brands/retailers out there trying to cunningly 'bump up' their milligrams-per-capsule figure by stating the pre-extraction weight (typically referred to as; whole plant, whole herb, dry plant, dry herb, aerial plant parts or raw leaf) rather than the actual post-extraction powder weight. For example, some brands/retailers will state that each capsule contains a staggering 1,500mg! Then if you are lucky, within the small-print they will state that this figure is actually the pre-extraction weight (again typically stated as; whole plant, whole herb, dry plant, dry herb, aerial plant parts or raw leaf) and that the actual post-extraction powder weight may only really be 150mg. The general rule of thumb here is that anything above 500mg of Horny Goat Weed extract-powder (i.e. at post-extraction weight) would not normally fit inside a capsule shell that's of a feasible size for most people to comfortably swallow. Therefore do pay close attention to the milligram weights stated by any given brand/retailer.
- Last on the checklist is 'Price'. Horny Goat Weed with a high content of pure icariin is very costly to produce. Extracts within the 'standardised' 50% to 60% icariin range are among some of the most expensive herbal extracts in the world. Therefore if you come across Horny Goat Weed products that are claimed to be within the 50% to 60% icariin purity range, retailing at or below the 'consumer price' of GBP£30 for a 1-month supply (approximately USD$40 / AUD$57 / EUR€36 / CAD$54); then check off the above guidelines carefully before making a purchase, because the 'trade cost' of buying the extract-powder alone should be in the region of GBP£30.
Why Buy Horny Goat Weed/Icariin From Us?
- Exclusive online retailer of the highly renowned World A.B.S icariin 60™ supplement — the strongest Horny Goat Weed product available.
- 60% icariin is the most effective strength of Horny Goat Weed extract for naturally restoring & improving male sexual health.
- Favoured by athletes & bodybuilders requiring a supreme performance booster supplement that increases levels of nitric oxide & free circulating testosterone.
- World A.B.S icariin 60™ Horny Goat Weed is produced in the United Kingdom in accordance with the highest standards of European cGMP manufacturing.
- 100% guaranteed vegetarian & vegan friendly Horny Goat Weed capsules.
- Orders are always dispatched in plain discreet postal-packaging.
- We ship to over 100 countries around the globe from our warehouses based in the United Kingdom & United States.
- Secure PayPal & card payments accepted via our fully 'PCI Compliant' & 'SSL Secure' checkout.