What is the correct dosage of 60% icariin Horny Goat Weed?
Dosage Designed For People
Reliable guidelines on the correct daily dosage of Horny Goat Weed extract (thus icariin) can be hard to find. There are numerous different strengths of Horny Goat Weed extract available, each of which contains varying percentages of icariin flavonols. Therefore, the most beneficial dosage of icariin cannot simply be attributed to a one-size-fits-all 'milligram per day' figure that applies equally to every strength and quality of Horny Goat Weed extract available.
For example, a 1,000mg per day intake of a standardised 20% icariin Horny Goat Weed supplement will not produce the same results as 1,000mg daily intake of a standardised 60% icariin Horny Goat Weed supplement.
The majority of independent dose and dosage advice regarding Horny Goat Weed extract (and the active ingredient of icariin thereof) has been structured upon ‘non-human-based' trials. However, the only reliable way in which to gauge the correct amount of icariin applicable for humans to take in order to gain the best possible health benefits is to perform double-blind dosage trials using actual people, incorporating both a randomly selected 'test group' and a randomly selected 'control group'.
The World A.B.S dietary supplement brand has performed such human-based dose trials specifically for the 60% icariin strength Horny Goat Weed extract that they use to produce their icariin 60™ Horny Goat Weed product.
These trials took into consideration a range of human-based variables in respect of the following:
- Age
- Weight
- Gender
In addition to these human-based variables, World A.B.S tested the potential beneficial advantages of 'optional intake adjustments' which included:
- Taking the daily dosage at different times of the day e.g. taking the icariin 60™ supplement in the morning, as opposed to taking the supplement at night.
- Effects of food intake on icariin bioavailability e.g. taking the icariin 60™ supplement with a meal, as opposed to taking the supplement between meals.
- Intake frequency across the day e.g. taking the icariin 60™ supplement in one single time-slot throughout the day, as opposed to taking it in two or three separate time-slots throughout the day.
The Results
From these in-depth and critically useful studies, World A.B.S was able to devise the optimal dosage per day guidelines for standardised 60% icariin Horny Goat Weed extract, averaged across a range of different people and taking into account the aforementioned optional intake adjustments.
Their study showed that to gain maximum benefit, adults are recommended to take an amount of between 800mg to 900mg of standardised 60% icariin Horny Goat Weed extract consecutively (daily). This corresponds to an 'actual pure icariin flavonols' recommended daily dosage regimen of 480mg to 540mg (i.e. 60% of 800mg = 480mg & 60% & 900mg = 540mg respectively).
This conclusive daily dosage milligram range enabled the 'test group' of adults to replenish their health at a safe, steady, and effective rate.
icariin 60™ Dosage Guidelines
What Is The Recommended Daily Dosage Of icariin 60™?
Based on the most effective 60% icariin Horny Goat Weed extract dosage range per day of between 800mg and 900mg, icariin 60™ sits comfortably at the top-end of the range delivering 900mg per day (3 x 300mg capsules daily). As mentioned above, this yields an 'actual pure icariin flavonols' intake of 540mg per day.
Should I Take icariin 60™ Everyday Or Only On Certain Days?
Horny Goat Weed extract supplements typically work best when taken consistently and consecutively on a daily basis. The reason for this is because the beneficial effects of icariin flavonols gradually build up in potency with each consecutive daily intake until they reach their peak, then maintain. It is also, therefore, recommended to follow this daily regimen with the World A.B.S icariin 60™ supplement.
Does This Dosage Regimen Apply To All Intended Health Benefits?
The devised daily dosage of the icariin 60™ Horny Goat Weed supplement is intended for those taking icariin/Horny Goat Weed to acquire one or more of the following health benefits:
- Men's Sexual Health (Male Impotence/Erectile Dysfunction, Male Sex Drive/Libido, Ejaculation)
- Women's Sexual Health (Female Sex Drive/Libido, Clitoral Arousal)
- Athletic Fitness (Bodybuilding, Sports Performance)
- Bones & Joints (Bone Strength & Repair, Cartilage Health, Osteoporosis, Rheumatoid Arthritis & Osteoarthritis)
- Mental Health (Cognitive Ability, Depression, Memory Function)
- Heart & Cardiovascular
- Liver Health
- Anti-ageing
[To view each of the above benefits of taking icariin 60™ Horny Goat Weed in greater detail, please click here]
Do I Take All 3 Capsules At The Same Time Or Spread Them Out Across My Day?
As per World A.B.S, it is recommended to take all 3 capsules of icariin 60™ in one single sitting/time-slot each day, at a time of your choosing.
This is a suggestion, therefore, is optional and can on occasion be advantageous for some people to take the 3 capsules in separated sittings/time-slots each day by adopting either of the following dose patterns:
- Take 2 capsules in the morning and 1 capsule in the evening.
- Take 1 capsule in the morning and 2 capsules in the evening.
Should I Take icariin 60™ Capsules With Or Without Food?
We advise taking the capsules with a glass of water to assist with swallowing.
In terms of taking the icariin 60™ supplement with or without food, there is no vivid difference between taking the capsules with a meal (or directly after having eaten a meal) as opposed to taking the capsules on an empty stomach (between meals). Therefore this aspect of the daily dosage is completely optional, based on personal preference in terms of what you find works best and is most convenient for yourself.
Do I Need To Cycle-Off icariin 60™?
The World A.B.S icariin 60™ Horny Goat Weed capsules can be cycled, should one require.
Having cycle-off for breaks for short periods of time can sometimes be very beneficial and is a method frequently used by bodybuilders and other athletes as part of their workout/training schedule. Cycling with icariin can also be equally useful for non-sporting purposes.
To find out more about how best to cycle the icariin 60™ Horny Goat Weed product, please click here.
How To Calculate The 'Pure Icariin Flavonols' Daily Dosage Of Any Given Horny Goat Weed Product
Step 1: Locate The 'Extract' Milligram Figure
Firstly locate the 'Supplement Facts' table for the product. This is usually on the rear of the product label (assuming you have the product in-hand), or if viewing on a website then some sites may display an image of the 'Supplement Facts' table within the product information.
You then need to locate the actual 'extract' milligram figure for the Horny Goat Weed (Epimedium). This can be more difficult than one might assume because some manufacturers like to state the 'pre-extracted' milligram figure, which refers to the weight of the raw Horny Goat Weed plant-parts before the actual extraction down to a pure powder has taken place. This 'pre-extracted' milligram figure will sometimes be referred to as whole plant, whole herb, plant-parts, dried herb, dry plant, raw leaf, etc., which is usually a very high figure, in the thousands of milligrams. The figure that you need is the actual 'extract' (powder) milligram figure, and if this is not clearly stated, then avoid the product altogether, as essentially you cannot accurately calculate the actual daily dosage of the product.
Below are two common examples of how some Horny Goat Weed brands display their milligram figures:
**Horny Goat Weed Extract 100mg (20:1) equivalent to 2,000mg** - This example is relatively easy to understand i.e. the pre-extracted 'whole plant' equivalent weight is 2,000mg and it has been extracted down at a ratio of 20:1, therefore the actual 'extract' milligram figure is 100mg.
**Horny Goat Weed Extract equivalent to whole plant Horny Goat Weed 1,000mg** - This example is somewhat ambiguous because they mention the word "extract" but then straight after that they state the words "equivalent to whole plant", and so the 'pre-extracted' (whole) milligram figure is 1,000mg however the 'extract' figure is never actually given, meaning that you don't ever really know the actual amount of Horny Goat Weed 'extract' that you would be taking. This way of displaying the figure is very typical of low milligram and low icariin strength Horny Goat Weed supplements, whereby the brand is trying to mask that fact. Therefore products using this format are best avoided.
Step 2: Calculate The 'Extract' Milligram Figure Per Capsule/Tablet
Once you have the 'extract' milligram figure, you then need to calculate how many milligrams of the extract is contained within each capsule/tablet.
To do this you need to once again look at the 'Supplement Facts' table and check whether the label states 'Amount Per Serving' or 'Amount Per Capsule/Tablet'. If the label states 'Amount Per Capsule/Tablet' then you have the figure right there, finished. However, if the label states 'Amount Per Serving' then all you need to do is look at the section above for the 'Serving Size', and however many capsules/tablets the 'Serving Size' states, you then simply divide the 'Amount Per Serving' extract milligrams figure by the number of capsules/tablets in the 'Serving Size'.
For example, let's say that a manufacturer's Horny Goat Weed product has a 'Serving Size' of 2 capsules/tablets and an 'Amount Per Serving' of 600mg Horny Goat Weed 'extract'. All you then need to do is divide 600mg by the 2 capsules/tablets which means that each capsule/tablet contains 300mg of Horny Goat Weed 'extract' powder.
Step 3: Calculate The 'Actual Pure Icariin Flavonols' Figure Per Capsule/Tablet
Now that you have the milligrams of Horny Goat Weed extract per capsule/tablet, you can now calculate the milligrams figure of 'actual pure icariin flavonols' contained within each capsule/tablet.
To do so, simply divide the extract milligrams figure by the standardised icariin percentage stated on the product label/website information.
Continuing with the example given above in 'Step 2', each capsule/tablet contains 300mg of Horny Goat Weed extract, and let's say that the standardised icariin percentage is 60%. The calculation, therefore, is simply 60% of 300mg — equaling 180mg of 'actual pure icariin flavonols' per capsule/tablet.
If the manufacturer/retailer does not state clearly the standardised icariin percentage on their product label/website, then avoid. Failure to declare the standardised icariin percentage is common in Horny Goat Weed products that contain very low percentages of pure icariin flavonols.
Step 4: Calculate The Total Daily Dosage Of 'Actual Pure Icariin Flavonols'
Lastly, as you now have the milligram figure of 'actual pure icariin flavonols' per capsule/tablet, you can easily calculate how many milligrams of pure icariin flavonols per day the Horny Goat Weed product is providing as its dosage.
To do this, simply multiply the milligrams of pure icariin flavonols per capsule/tablet figure by the number of capsules/tablets in which the manufacturer recommends to take per day.
Again continuing with the example above, the 'Serving Size' is 2 capsules/tablets and let's say the 'Directions of Use/Suggested Usage' is to take 2 capsules/tablets daily, the figure is therefore calculated as 2 x 180mg, equaling a total dosage of 360mg of 'actual pure icariin flavonols' per day.
When referring back to the results of the optimal dosage study/trial carried out by World A.B.S above, which devised a recommended dosage of 'actual pure icariin flavonols' in the region of 480mg to 540mg per day — an intake of 360mg (per day as per the example used in this section) is not enough of a daily intake to gain the maximum benefit from icariin thus Horny Goat Weed extract, highlighting the importance of knowing how to calculate the icariin dosage figures of any given Horny Goat Weed product.